
vitahealth - an innovative line for individual customers

This spring, the product portfolio of ZARYS International Group has a new proposal. The vitahealth product line targeted at individual users.


During over 30 years of market presence, ZARYS has developed a reputation as one of the leaders in the medical industry. Manufacturer, supplier and from the point of view of Polish health care - co-creating strategic projects.

The launched vitahealth line addressed to an individual customer  shows that in response to market needs - we are still looking for new development paths.

Building a knowledge base of hospital products, including dressing materials and situations where professional medical assistance is required, we have created a line of first aid products. Using them, the consumer can independently make a basic, simple dressing to protect a minor abrasion or injury.


vitahealth plasters

The vitahealth range of plasters consists of 12 sets designed for different target groups and types of injuries. Such a concept makes it easier to choose the right plaster and shortens the time of securing the wound. The designers have taken into account the needs of younger and older patients.

  • KIDSpro sets, soft, flexible body conforming plasters for children that provide freedom of movement. Fairytale prints focusing attention on colourful images make it easier for children to forget about pain.

  • NOVIplast and FABRIplast cutting plaster sets with non-stick absorbent pad. The only ones on the market that include scissors. Designed for people who prefer an active lifestyle.

  • HANDSpro set of hand bandages with functional, profiled shapes. The product is essential in every kitchen and workshop - places where fingers and hands are most easily injured.

  • S.O.S set - a practical gadget for an active, resourceful woman. The slim, handy package will fit - even - into the smallest handbag. An object of envy of many men. S.O.S. plasters are as often borrowed as an eye cream.

  • AQUApro kit effectively protects the wound against water and dirt, the rectangular shape provides full isolation from water. It is worth keeping in mind while planning a trip to the sea, lake or swimming training. They also prove useful when frequent hand washing is necessary.

  • The ACTIVEpro kit is a set of flexible plasters that adjust to the shape of the body ensuring proper freedom of movement and proper protection of the application site. The "adult" equivalent of children's plasters is dedicated to people who balance seriousness with fun and adventure.

  • TRANSPARENT - set intended for dressing small wounds and cuts, especially on hands or face. Thanks to thin and microporous structure of the plaster they accelerate the healing process. The transparent material makes them invisible. Therefore they are suitable for wounds on hands and face.

  • SENSITIVE - set for people with sensitive, damaged or trophically changed skin. The use of one of the most delicate adhesives on the market is perfect for painless dressing of cuts.

Multifunctional Packs: Universal and FAMILYpro each contains a selection of plasters with different characteristics and shapes for comprehensive protection of superficial cuts, abrasions, cuts on the skin.

The line is completed with SOFTplast and SENSIplast adhesive tapes in which the structure of the material used allows to cut the adhesive without the need to use scissors.

The perfect first aid kit

The vitahealth brand will be developed and supplemented with new products. By using them, everyone will be able to create the most suitable first aid kit for themselves.

We invite you to the platform, which fully presents the products of vitahealth by ZARYS